Carli Fine

Hi there, I'm Carli!

I decided upon a career in brain sciences during middle school, while reading a novel about a girl with a rare neurological condition. Years later, inspired by a fictional story about a girl who wanted answers about her life, I aspire to answer real questions for real individuals about the brain and behavior.

Currently, I am a doctoral student with Dr. Jamie Ward at the University of Sussex with the Synaesthesia Research Group. I am investigating perceptual neurodiversity through a neurocognitive profile of synesthesia, using magnetic resonance neuroimaging (MRI) and behavioral methods.

I earned a Master of Science in Cognitive Psychology working with Dr. Jared Medina at the University of Delaware. We worked on projects related to multisensory perception, illusory qualia, and cognitive neuropsychology using techniques including the Mirror Box Illusion.

Before starting graduate school, I worked as a lab manager with Dr. David Brang at the University of Michigan where we studied multisensory perception, integration illusions, and synesthesia using cognitive neuroscience techniques including electrocorticography (ECoG) recordings.

When I'm not in lab, I'm probably exploring coffee shops, working on craft projects, or performing Shakespeare!